ercatoJ at Henkel Group: a selected customer

The Henkel Group (Henkel KGaA, Düsseldorf,
Germany) operates in three strategic business areas - Home
Care, Personal Care, and Adhesives, Sealants and Surface Treatment.
The Company is represented in over 75 countries. 48,515 employees
work for the Henkel Group worldwide.
Henkel Fragrance Center GmbH (HFC) develops and produces
perfume oils which are indispensable components for many products
of the group.
Living Pages has developed and deployed the new central
software system at HFC. This mission-critical enterprise solution
supports every single business process of perfume development
and is fully productive. The software is a state-of-the-art
J2EE intranet solution and utilzes the ercatoJ technology
in all its modules.
The system interfaces with several isolated applications
and is fully integrated into the corporate environment of
SAP/R3 servers.
It is fair to say that this solution could not have been
realized without ercatoJ. The savings in man power and elapsed
time have been crucial for success.
der komplexen Materie wurde das Problem hervorragend gelöst
sowie Zeitrahmen und Budget eingehalten. Bei der Lösung
unseres geschäftskritischen Problems wurden unsere
Erwartungen voll erfüllt. Mit der eingesetzten Softwaretechnologie
gelingt es offenbar gut, auch komplexere Probleme in den
Griff zu bekommen.”
[The complex issue notwithstanding
the problem has been solved outstandingly well and still
within time and budget. The solution of our mission-critical
problem has met all our expectations. It is obvious that
the deployed software technology is well suited to address
problems of a more complex nature, too.]
Dr. Alexander Boeck
Geschäftsführer [Managing Director]
Henkel Fragrance Center GmbH