At a glance: how ercatoJ can help
Every ercaton encapsulates
a business object or process
ercatoJ can reduce project complexity because
it is built upon an amazingly simple yet powerful concept:
Every ercaton encapsulates a business object or process
and absorbs complexity.
ercatons live within the Java2 EnterpriseEdition (J2EE)
container and are built from Java objects and XML documents.
They are able to implement most patterns in enterprise software
Their integration into J2EE is based on a few Enterprise
JavaBeans (EJBs) which need no redeployment when software
changes. Users, transactions, sessions and the database are
fully shared. ercatons therefore do not introduce new complexity
into an existing J2EE application.
The following analogy may help to understand: “if
J2EE is an operating system, then ercatons add to it what
the many small /usr/bin binaries add to Unix: power and simplicity”.
This analogy holds true to the point where ercatons are
not yet another framework to build this big, monolithic application
– they offer an option to build a simpler one.