ercatoJ Fact Sheet
J2EE integration
lightweight integration stub (4 EJBs, 3 servlets)
shares users, transaction and session contexts
standalone for EJB-free projects is available
code archives (JARs) not required in EAR
callable by / may call other EJBs
deployment without EJB re-deployment
deployment and testing are scriptable
sub-deployments are supported
Component-based technology
business logic encapsulated in small components
pool of useful components provided
extensible even in running application
stand-alone components (ercatons)
each component may define a web-service
Programming models
by Java API
by manipulation / transformation of XML
object-oriented at both, Java and XML level
declaration of actions / constraints / triggers
3rd-party XML mapping frameworks work
User interface
optional, customizable web interface
pre-configured edit cycle provided
follow-up actions are supported
Security control
per action / method and instance
protected data not exposed by queries
Persistence technology
true XML is persisted, not just mapped
no schema required
transaction-isolation level
accessible to text and XML tools
SQL used for full retrieval performance
database schema follows data on the fly
combines with existing tables
JDBC/JDO is enabled but not required
JDK 1.4
Oracle 9iAS or Orion 2.0
IBM Websphere 5.0 (*)
BEA Weblogic 8.1 (*)
JBoss 3.2 (*)
Oracle 9i
MySQL MaxDB 7.4 (*)
v1.0: now
v1.1: 4th quarter 2003
by Living Pages Research GmbH, Munich, Germany
(*): supported, yet to be certified for
production use