The LivingTalks project

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LivingTalks is a conference content management tool under the open source license. It is based on Enterprise JavaBeans and runs with Sun's reference implementation (or Orion).

Currently, there are two versions available:

1. LivingTalks v1.1 distribution for Sun's j2eesdk-1.2 "out of the box"

2. LivingTalks v1.1a for Orion v1.5.3 (tested release) & SapDB 7.3 Linux or Windows.

Online demo:

This web site supports a demo space of the LivingTalks tool so you can test drive it immediately prior to download and installation. The following demo user has been created with edit privileges (use with care ;-)

user: demo
pass: demo

You may access the server by clicking here now (administration view).

The published content as managed above is online here (public view).


The LivingTalks content management system is able to manage content (as of version 1.x) which can be expressed in terms of persons (authors), events (talks), time-blocks (sessions), time-series (tracks), schedules, and categories for events and authentication. The following chart illustrates the kind of workflow supported by LivingTalks:

Enter or manage all authors and speakers -- START HERE! Manage the categories any talk must belong to Click if you take warm showers too...
Enter or manage the talks
Create or manage blocks such as sessions, keynotes, single talks, coffee breaks etc. Import data which was exported previously
Create or manage tracks which typically are rooms for a day Schedule blocks into tracks thereby making up the logical program Export all data typically for the purpose of backup or migration
Publish any changes to the program making them visible to the grand audience out there Apply for a user ID or added privileges Login -- You may do this later on as well

Privileged persons may publish the content. XML-based import, export and publishing are supported. publish for print and web is supported. The actual look of the publication is defined by XSLT and CSS stylesheets. However, to just include your corporate ID it is sufficient to edit a simple wrapper HTML file.

As a special feature, concurrent threads may be visualized side-by-side on the same page and additionally, events which span multiple threads (eg. a keynote common to multiple tracks) are supported.

Management of accompanying documents (slides, papers, website info etc.) is supported, too.

Future plans:

The single next idea is to support the process of Call-for-Paper submissions, review, selection and publishing. This would be combined with access right to 'own' information. This would allow authors to edit and update information about their talks themselves. Second, we think about drag'n-drop support to schedule sessions.

If a conference thinks about using the software, we may be happy to support you.

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